19 June 2008

peas + peas

i've found that fresh peas are basically impossible to buy, so i figured they would be a good thing to grow myself. the only problem is, you can only really grow about a handful of peas, so you might as well just eat them as you pick them since you will never have enough for a whole meal. i'm looking forward to their death so i can use that space for something else. you can eat the pods on one of these, but not the other. can you guess which?


Matthew Frederick said...

I think that you're not supposed to eat the pods of sweat peas, right?

But Chinese peas have an edible pod?

Milla said...

i have since i was small child eaten the pods of sweat peas. best only to eat the sweat outer skin of the pod, not the inner paper waxy interior pod skin. but it is fun separating that with your teeth.

Milla said...

cool, we are all spelling sweet peas wrong. cus it is sweaty outside.

matty lite said...

Ha ha sweat peas. Sweet Bees and Sweat Peas. Summertime. Swee'Pea. Uh what

Matthew Frederick said...

Sweet peas are the bee's knees.

Sweet pees are the bee's knees.

Brien said...

One bush is sweet peas. The other is poison peas. For poisoning.
Is it so very simple to kill a man, Eileen? So very. . . sweet?

Milla said...

eileen, what are you cooking today? matthew frederick and i are about to order a pizza. i ate all of that dip you made with anything i could stick in it. sweaty leaves and things. yumm, thank you, eileen! you are awesome cook.

Matthew Frederick said...

that was some nice pizza.
